Thursday, August 2, 2007


I had a bunch of friends and i already mentioned Blackbyrd, Bluebyrd,and Yellowbyrd.
My class and i went to the East coast to NY, Washington D.C., Virginia, NJ, and Philadelphia.
I had 12 people in my class and only 11 of my classmates went(not including parents and siblings).One girl didn't go because she said everyone hated her.Her name was Crow and she was somewhat annoying.Crow had boyfriend but every time we said something weird about him she went into a corner and did her i-want-attention-and-so-I'm-pouting thing.(he broke up with her)
Crow yelled at hummingbyrd for no reason at all!(no one can get angry at hummingbyrd)
Crow also broke her foot and rode around in a scooter for about a
month when bluebyrd broke his arm and had it in his cast for a semester.

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